Amanah Saham Bumiputera 3 Didik (ASB 3 Didik) has recently paid its latest dividend.
ASB 3 Didik Dividend
Its dividend is RM 0.0525, equals to a dividend rate of 5.25%. It is an increase of 5% from 2023.
Dividend Trend
To know the previous dividends of this fixed price fund, you can refer to this page.
For ASB 3 Didik, its lowest dividend was 4.25 cents in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The benchmark that ASB 3 Didik uses to compare its performance with is the Maybank 12-Month Fixed Deposit, which has a return of 2.74%. However, I am using KLCI as the benchmark. In 2023, KLCI had a return of -2.73% (2022: -4.60%). This dividend rate outperformed this benchmark by 7.98%.
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Disclaimer: This post is for informational purpose only. You should use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan suggested or recommended in this article.