Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) Dividend 2022

Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) has paid its latest dividend on 1 April 2022. The dividend is four cents, equals to a dividend rate of 4%. This dividend is the same as last year, after three consecutive drops in the dividend of this fund.


For the previous dividends, you can refer to this article.

The dividend of ASM in 2022 at least did not decrease. It seems like four cents is the lowest amount that this fund would pay to its investors.


The benchmark that ASM uses to compare itself with is the Maybank 12-Month Fixed Deposit, which has a return of 1.85% (previous year: 1.95%). I am using KLCI as the benchmark. In 2021, KLCI had a negative return of 3.67%. ASM 2022 dividend rate is much better than this benchmark.

As I have mentioned in the previous articles, the fixed price funds are my emergency fund now, instead of investments. I am not going to invest more money into these funds. Even if I want to top up, it is very hard to deposit money nowadays. With this dividend rate, perhaps you can check out the SSPN Prime as it has similar dividend rate (slightly lower rate in the most recent dividend). Furthermore, SSPN Prime offers the advantage of tax relief. Nonetheless, the tax relief is only applicable if you deposit money into your child’s account (valid till 2024).


  1. Pingback: ASM 2 Wawasan Dividend 2022: Same As Last Year - MyFinTalk

  2. Pingback: Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) Dividend 2023: Maintained

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