The tax filing season for YA2023 has started, so I have prepared this article for you as a reference.
The images below show the personal tax reliefs available to be claimed. Make sure you have the receipts or proof when you claim the respective relief. Keep the proof for at least seven years in case you are called in for tax audit.

2023 tax rate

The table above shows the tax rate for YA2023. Let’s say your chargeable income (income after deducting all claimable tax reliefs) is RM 70,000. Refer to row F and you will see your tax is RM 3,700. Nonetheless, the e-Filing website will auto calculate your tax after you key in the form. If you have a deficit, you would have to pay the amount. On the other hand, if you have a surplus, you will get a refund from the government.
If you feel that your income tax is too high, it is too late to do anything for YA2023 now. Nonetheless, you should take note of the tax reliefs available in YA2024 and make use of these reliefs. You may refer to this page (click here) for the available tax reliefs.
Do you want to reduce your personal income tax? Just leave your details by clicking the button below. I will reach out to you and see if we would be a good fit for each other.
Or if you are not ready yet, join my email list to receive useful information to improve your finances by clicking here.
Disclaimer: This page is for informational purpose only. Do confirm with the tax authority for the eligibility of the tax reliefs.