Simpan SSPN Prime 2023 Dividend

sspn prime 2023 dividend

The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) has declared a dividend of 3.05% for Simpan SSPN Prime. The dividend declared in this year is for year 2022.

Dividend history

The dividend rate of Simpan SSPN Prime in the past five years were

2018: 4.00%

2019: 4.00%

2020: 4.00%

2021: 4.00%

2022: 3.00%

This dividend is slightly better than the rate last year but still lesser than the previous periods.

My view

In my opinion, Simpan SSPN Prime is primarily a tax-saving instrument. Thus, this rate is acceptable to me. The tax relief (up to RM 8,000) is extended till year 2024. Thus, I will continue to put in money into this fund to save on income tax till the tax relief ends.

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