Credit cards have become an essential part of modern financial life, offering convenience, rewards, and flexibility. Most Malaysians have access to credit cards nowadays. As long as you have an income, you most probably qualify for a credit card. Credit cards are widely used for everyday transactions, large purchases, and even for building a credit …
Purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments you will ever make, and securing a home loan is a crucial step in this journey. A home loan, also known as a housing loan, is a financial product offered by banks and other financial institutions that allows you to borrow money to buy a …
In Malaysia, most people own at least a car due to the inconvenience and uneven accessibility of our public transport system. When we buy a car, car loan is involved. This car loan is also known as hire purchase. Key considerations before taking a car loan 1. Loan amount and interest rates Car loans in …
Once in awhile, I received offers from banks to lend me personal loans. The rates sometimes can be attractive (almost the same rate as fixed deposit interest rate) and sometimes can be exorbitant. In this article, we shall discuss about this type of loan. Pros of personal loans 1. No collateral required Most personal loans …
When you take a loan, you know the interest rate being charged. It is informed to you upfront before you sign the contract. But is it the real interest rate that you will be paying for the loan? Two types of interest rate 1. Nominal interest rate Nominal interest rate is the rate that you …