ASM 2 Dividend 2024

asm 2 dividend 2024

Amanah Saham Malaysia 2 – Wawasan (ASM 2 Wawasan) has paid its latest dividend on 1 September 2024.


Its dividend is RM 0.0475, equals to a dividend rate of 4.75%. It is an increase of 5.56% from 2023.

Dividend trend

To know the previous dividends of this fixed price fund, you can refer to this page.

For ASM 2 Wawasan, 3.75 cents in 2022 is the lowest amount that this fund paid to its investors.


The benchmark that ASM 2 Wawasan uses to compare its performance with is the Maybank 12-Month Fixed Deposit, which has a return of 2.71% (previous year: 2.89%). However, I am using KLCI as the benchmark. In 2023, KLCI had a return of -2.73% (2022: -4.60%). ASM 2 Wawasan 2023 dividend rate outperformed this benchmark by 7.48%.

As the economy is slowly recovering, the dividends of these fixed price funds are also slowly increasing. Hopefully they will be able to provide a dividend rate of more than 5% as before 2020.

As I have mentioned in the previous articles, the fixed price funds are my emergency fund now, instead of investments. I am not going to invest more money into these funds. For non-Bumiputera, you may try to deposit more fund into the ASM fund family. Once in a while, ASNB will increase the quota and you have to be on the lookout.

Previously, I have recommended Simpan SSPN Prime as an alternative to ASM due to the tax relief. I still think it is a good alternative. However, this tax relief is only available till 2024, unless extended by the government.

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Disclaimer: This post is for informational purpose only. You should use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan suggested or recommended in this article.

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