Tag Archives: platforms

ToledoTrade Trading Platforms

ToledoTrade is a foreign broker that I am using to invest in US exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Today I am going to talk about the trading platforms it offers. ToledoTrade has a total of four trading platforms. They are Client Portal, Handy Trader, ToledoTrader and ToledoTrader Pro. All the platforms can be accessed from ToledoTrade webpage …

FundMyHome Review

FundMyHome (Link) is an innovative platform for buying a house. This platform is operated by EdgeProp, a subsidiary of The Edge Group. How is it innovative? We only need to pay an upfront payment to move into the house, without the burden of monthly instalments. Does it sound too good to be true? There are …

Equity Crowdfunding (ECF)

Equity crowdfunding (ECF) is almost like stock investment. The money is provided in exchange for shares (equity) in the company. Its reward includes the capital gain (by selling the shares) and dividend if any while its risk is the failure of the company (bankruptcy) and losing all the invested fund. There are 6 such platforms …

Peer-to-peer Financing

(Latest update: 5 October 2018) Essentially, peer-to-peer (P2P) financing is making a loan. Its reward is the interest earned and its risk is default. There are 6 such platforms in Malaysia according to Securities Commission Malaysia website (Link). Platforms Logo Remarks AlixCo – B2B FinPAL – Fundaztic – Funding Societies Malaysia – Nusa Kapital Shariah-compliant …